Monday 4 October 2010

My Fine Art Journey!

Fine Art is finished and completed now! I know this blog is very delayed, however I did write up my first week of Fine Art last weekend, however my computer crashed and it didn’t save so I lost my work. Then I was annoyed so have left my blog for another week! Sorry! But here is how my last two weeks turned out!


Week Three
Day Ten. We started Fine Art today and I wasn’t really looking forward to it, however it turned out I quite enjoyed it! In the morning we started drawing in sketch books, but of the fur installations that were set up around the room. They were all linked with different objects like clay models, rubber rings and plants! They were all very fun to draw as they were interesting and different! In the morning I didn’t really like my drawings, I wasn’t working with the correct materials. In the afternoon however we were drawing the same things and I started using oil pastels and I really liked my drawings! It was a very good day for drawing! YAY!
Day Eleven. It was our self study day today, but we had been set a little project! We were asked to go around a place which was busy with bollards, road signs and interesting objects. We were also asked to draw on the spot what we saw. It was good! Also I had to take photos of interesting things, I it was a good project I liked it! These were things that we had to collect to then work with on the Thursday!
Day Twelve. I didn’t have any lectures today so I just carried on working with my Fine Art work! I went down to my local allotments and took dome photos of a green area which we were asked to do!
Day Thirteen. Back in the studio today and it was based on animation with a media feel to art! We started off by cutting three pieces of acetate into four pieces so we ended up with 12 pieces. Then I walked around one of the installations, walking around it like a clock moving five minutes each time so we ended up with an animation. It was really good! In the afternoon we placed the acetate sheets on to the photographs we took on Tuesday. This was good however it didn’t really work for me. I tired to create some new pieces of acetate from objects off the photographs, however it didn’t really work. I added colour, with coloured permanent markers. I gave it ago but I wasn’t pleased with the outcome. Below are some photographs of the acetate I took.

This is a piece of acetate I made from the objects out of the photos I took on Tuesday. Here I have put a row of chairs at the bottom, from the photo in the background. I also put a pattern from a dress of mine, then placed that pattern in the opposite direction, this I like. I also like the Diverted traffic sign in the top corner.

Here is a photo of a picture I took with some acetate on top, but the drawing on the acetate is from one of the installations. I put it on the side and then added some colour, which I think works really well!

This photo above is a piece that I did in which I copied the image of the skip out many times, then I coloured in the skip, with different colours to make it different! This I like but its not great I don’t think, oh well.
This afternoon I went to the Royal Academy with my Dad to see the exhibition, 'Treasures from Budapest'. It was really interesting I enjoyed it alot. Some of the pieces there were so interesting, the detail was amazing! Also I was amazed by how well the paintings have lasted because they are so old and still look great! However some of the pieces didn’t really interest me in the sense they were to deep to understand, but I'm really glad that I went to visit it! My Dad liked it too! 
Day Fourteen. For today we were told to bring in a card board box, so we would be manipulating it in our own way. To begin with we went round the installations again drawing them, so then in the afternoon we could work off them! I enjoyed the drawing as I worked on A1 paper and I really liked it! In the afternoon I started working on my 3D piece, which didn’t work so well to begin with as I was working in a 'tight' fashion. Then I just stopped caring almost and enjoyed it! I ended up making a big 3D piece which I was very pleased with! See the photos below of my sculpture.

Above is a picture of my sculpture which I'm really pleased with! I have to say I really like the blue squares that I have drawn on the brown box, they work really well I think. The space in the structure I think works really well, the shapes I've cut out I really like! YAY!
Weekend. This weekend I was asked to collect photos of things that interested me which I would want to work with next week. So I went to a market and took photos of the fruit and vegetable stall as I was interested by the colours I saw there. 

Week Four.
Day Fifteen. This week we have to create an outcome on our own basis! From things that we find interesting, so I went for colour. Today however I really struggled to find the right way to work. I did some paintings of the vegetables but then messed them up with a black permanent pen on top which didn’t look very good. So then I started to paint in light colours very simply which I think worked very well. I then went and researched some artists in the library who paint the way I did today. I looked at Mary Heilmann, whose work I really like. The bright colours and the bold paintbrush strokes I really likes. I also looked at Bernard Frieze, Michael Krebber and Jochen Klein. These artists are all really good and very inspiring!
Day Sixteen. Today I went into Uni even though it was my study day, because I needed to create some more work to get my ideas flowing. I started painting the vegetables in block shapes and colours which I think worked really well. David suggested I look at the artist Monquie Prieto, as she works with block colours and simple shapes which I think look really good. I'm very inspired with the  work she creates and I now have some good ideas for Thursday! YAY!!!! This afternoon I went to the exhibition Exposed: Voyeurism, Surveillance and the Camera and it was very good! I really enjoyed this exhibition, it wasn’t what I was expecting but it was really good. Some of the photographs were really shocking which I wasn’t expecting. The ones of the suicide photos from CCTV footage were very shocking, but they made you think. I liked it though, I'm pleased I went to the exhibition!
Day Seventeen. I went into Uni today again to do some more work as I didnt feel very prepared for the crot looming on Friday. I went in to do some more paintings of vegtables in block colours again so I had alot of paintings which I would then be able to use some how later. Afterwards I went to the Freshers Fayre and I signed up to do some life drawing classes!
Day Eighteen. Today I started painting some more paintings of fruit and vegetables, but then I decided to make it different and started creating a 3D piece! I cut out some of the shapes of fruit and had them hanging and pieces of tread attaching them. I was a really fun piece to make and I was very pleased with the outcome! Its a very colourful piece but I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all! Its very difficult to describe so below are some pictures of my piece! YAY!!!

Above are some of my photos I took of my final piece that I have made in Fine Art the last two weeks! I'm really pleased with this piece of work! It doesn’t photograph very well as it was a huge piece of work but I think its worked well! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Day Nineteen. Today was the Crit of all our work! But it was okay as I felt good about my work I had created. In the morning we had to put up our best work as a display for everyone else to see in the afternoon. In the afternoon we went round in groups discussing each others work, it was very interesting! Firstly we looked at Ellie’s work and she worked in Black and White as she feels its easier on the eye, your eyes can settle on the work. Her paintings were of insides of bags, as its personal to that person. The photos Ellie took had the flash on which wasn’t on purpose but it gave the photos a different feel which I really likes. Unfortunately Ellie wasn’t pleased with her outcome of her paintings, as one piece was neat and focused however she prefers to work quick. Overall I really liked her work and it was interesting to talk to her about her work.
We then went to look at Lawrence's work which is very different to Ellie’s. His work looks at the movement of Daddy Long Legs as he thought to be very interesting creatures. His work was created with drips from ink which I thought worked really well for the feel of Daddy Long legs. Lawrence also had some paintings of Daddy Long Legs on found objects like wood board and Plastic which gave it another feel which I really like! His work was very interesting to talk to him about and pick his brain about how he works!
We also looked at the work of Ioannis (John) which was photo based with painting as well included. He worked with the idea of obstructing faces from his photos as he liked the joining of the images. Ioannis liked the idea of disproportion, which was very interesting to look at. I really liked a piece of Ioannis's which had mixed media with a movie scene, an apple and a sculpture which all look the same which I thought was very interesting. His inspiration came from an artist called John Baltisaire.
Then we looked at the work of Ayune, which I really enjoyed looking at. The colours that she has used were amazing! Her work involved four canvas's each with the objects of chargers on, in different sizes, shapes and forms which were great! She focused on the idea of line and movement, using different materials to create her work. She liked to look at groups of things, photos she had taken were of carrots, eggs and the chargers which she chose to work from!
Shion was also in our group and her work was looking at the aspect of light! It was amazing to look at! Her culture involves at lot of light which she took and put in her work. Shion's work was two boxes which she had 3D people in which she cut out of photos, then she put a lamp behind the work to create a shadow. Her work also worked with the idea of the flow of life, taking water and light which you got from the colours she choose to use. Her artist inspiration was Kuwakubo Ryota who also worked with the idea of light!
We then looked at work created by Linda who took the idea of vintage into her work. She created shoe boxes which she decorated in pink and yellows which are her favourite colours which is why she chose them. The decoration she put on was of shoes, hence the shoe box idea. Linda also worked with the idea that her work could be wearable, which is why she attached straps to be handbags on the shoulder or to be held. I thought her work was amazing as it was very different to everything I had seen so far.
The last person we looked at, but not least was Su. For her work she focused on the idea of contrast, as she painted the picture she took of her crossroads, then she put on top some acetate with thick black pen of the structure she had made on the Friday. Her inspiration for her work was from Carol Roberts, which worked really well for her work. Su is an amazing painter, I would think this would be the area Su goes into.
Presenting my work to my peers was scary, but I thought it was great! I have really enjoyed Fine Art and am very pleased with my outcome! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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