Monday 18 October 2010

My second week on Vis Com

My second week on Vis Com and I was looking forward to it because the first week I really enjoyed! However from the project title I thought it was going to be challenging for me as an individual as its not how a really work in my brain. Oh well, I gave it my all and still enjoyed it.
Day 25.
Today the project 'audience' started. Over the weekend I came up with some ideas for the sender and receiver project. The ideas I had were, 'Mum can you do my washing please?', 'Gran can you bake me some cakes please', 'Can I come to Sunday Lunch please, Uncle James?'. So today I just brainstormed my ideas and how I would send that message. For the washing idea I would write it on washing tablets and pegs, for my Gran to make me cakes I would make cake flowers and send them to her as she does flower arranging. Then to be invited for Sunday Lunch by my uncle I came up with the idea of making paperclips in the shapes of vegetables as he's a solicitor and they would be useful for him. These are the ideas I came up with, but I never used any of these ideas.
Day 26.
Again this was a day of brainstorming ideas and coming up with the idea of sending the message. I decided to go with the message of asking my Uncle to invite me to Sunday Lunch, this seemed the hardest one and that’s supposed to create your best work but I struggled. The idea of creating a campaign to be asked for lunch was thrown in the mix, pictures of vegetables in court and showing my route to his house by tube maps including veg. By the end of the day I still didn’t really have a solid idea to create for Friday, but I was going to try really hard on the next two days I had off.
Day 27.
I had my contextual studies lecture today and it was taken by the artist Dominic Wilcox and he was so inspiring I really enjoyed it! His work was just things of what he really loved doing, just giving anything and everything ago which was great to here about! It gave me inspiration to go home and just try out everything to make my Vis Com work its best. In the afternoon, I painted the journey of the tube map that I would take to get to his. Then I cut of pictures of food to be included in my piece.
Day 28.
I carried on with making my map of going to my Uncles. Once finished I did think I would take photos of the pieces at tube stations to show how my Uncle would get the message. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to do this as I had to photocopy the pages for the Crit o Friday.  I have tired so hard for this piece, I have struggled alot with the message and how to put it across, I think my problem is I worry that its got to be good as its a Crit then I panic and produce work I will never be happy with because I know I've struggled. If this makes sense to you at all?
Day 29.
Crit time today, and I was really not looking forward to it, I had butterflies in my tummy and a really bad headache due to the worry from this project, I'm really silly! So I put up my work and hoped for the best. Nothing was said either good or bad by the tutors so I don’t know what that means, but I was pleased because I don’t think I could have taken any criticism about this piece of work without breaking down. Only because I tired really hard on it, and I know it wasn’t very good. From the Crit with my peers, it went okay but it was a really confusing piece of work and that made them struggle to understand what the message was. Below are pictures of my work so you can see what I mean about it all.

So above are the pieces of work I created for Vis Com in the past week. In the Crit I got some criticism by my peers which looking at my piece would of worked much better and wouldn't have confused them. Like I could of had just food pictures on the tube line I would take to get to his, then it would show my journey clearer and they may of understood more clearly. They also said I should of maybe kept to the Uncle idea rather then looking at food more. It was good criticism and I liked having it, but it would of been better during this process! Oh well!!! However with all this, I told my Uncle about my project and I was invited to Sunday Lunch! YAY!!!!

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