Sunday 10 October 2010

VIS COM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Week Five.
Day 20.
I started the third rotation today which is Vis Com, which I thought would be computer based and things, but like all the rotations on this course its never what you expect! So we started by being put in a pair then we were given a word to create days outcome from! I was given 'Tie' and Cally was given the word 'Ear'. To start we had to do quick drawings from the word, to get our creative juices flowing! It was good! We then had to combine our ideas and words together to come up with a finally outcome! With our words we came up with the idea of communicating without sound, like sign language and lip reading, as Cally had 'Ear' and with my 'Tie' we said it all linked and tied together! Separately we then created our own final piece from our idea. See mine below!

This drawing shows people smiling but I was focusing on their lips. I like the way I have drawn this, its quite child like which is one thing I don’t like, but oh well. The Lips on the side is meant to show different lip shapes that lip readers look out for. Then I wrote 'Help' in different languages around the side which was meant to be another communication barrier of people not knowing what to say. But then it was said that they are all smiling but asking for help? Which is a mistake I have made but oh well! Silly me!
Day 21.
I was in collage today which is very different as normally I have this day off! Oh well, as I had a really good day! We were given our new project for the next two days today and I really liked it. We had to create a story from a list of words and make it from found images I brought in! The word I chose was Hibernation, and I had the idea of having an imaginary hedgehog travelling to his Hibernation place. I was told not to have a picture of the hedgehog, but show his journey! This I found challenging but I really enjoyed it! I was slow working today so got three pages done!
Day 22.
Today was contextual study day for some people but not me! So firstly I went to the Cass Art Student day, to get some drawing materials for my story board thing! Then in the afternoon I carried on with my work! I gave my hedgehog more things to do! I really had fun with it, but also am very pleased with the outcome of my work!! YAY!!!!!
Day 23.
I finished my work yesterday, I came up with 13 pages of my story so I was satisfied with my work! I went to my Dads office and got them photocopied in colour for free! Being a student and all I was very pleased! Then I went to the Knitting and Stitching show at Alexandra Palace with my friend! I've been going for the past 4years so I just had to go again!!! They have stalls selling all sorts of things but they also have Artists there showing their work they have done, which I found inspirational for my work in Vis Com.
Below is an Artist called Ton Zwerver, whose work I picked because he layered found images to create, what I think is a great piece of work. One thing I would say is that this piece is quite dark, I would have added more colour!

Ton Zwerver

Another artist  I found today was a lady called Susie Vickery. I really enjoy looking at her work because it to me has a sense of fun. With the coloured background and the raven, but also the ravens had a pull tag and you could make their wings flap which I loved! I thought her work had a sense of being illustrated so linked well into my Vis Com work! Unfortunately I was allowed to take photos of her work, but it they are in my in little sketch book that I carry around with me.
An artist I found at the Knitting and Stitching and show whose work I really enjoy is James Clark. His work is of dogs, but they are made from found images like maps, old packaging, playing cards and things like that! I really liked his work, there was a sense of fun in his work which was great! His work also reminded me of the work I have been doing with Vis Com at the moment! See his work below.

James Clark

How amazing are these pieces of work! I love them! The Dalmatian is 100% my favourite Dog that he has created! However I do love the huge ears on the dog below the Dalmatian!
Day 24.
Today was the Crit of our work we have done for project two! In the morning I wrote up about the artists above, then I put up 7 of my favourite pieces of the work I have created! I was very pleased with them when they were on the wall! YAY! In the afternoon, we went round in groups of three discussing each others work! It was great to see what everyone else has created and which word they took on and how they interpreted it, which was great! I enjoyed this exercise! Below are photos of the 7 pieces I put on the wall!

Above are 7 photos of part of my story for Vis Com! I am very pleased with my pieces that I have created! I hope you like them, I really liked working with the different materials I brought into work with! I really have enjoyed Vis Com this week! YAY!!!!!!

This weekend we were told to think of messages that we want to tell people of things that we have done, or that we want to tell them. So my brain has been working and I think I have come up with some good ideas! On Sunday I went to the Tate Britain and I went to the Rachel Whiteread exhibition which I really enjoyed! I love the way she worked on graph paper for most of her drawings! Also the materials she worked with I thought worked really well! After Whiteread's exhibition I went to go and see Fiona Banner's current installation 'Harrier and Jaguar' again at the Tate Britain for Contextual Studies! I didn’t know what I was expecting but there were two huge aeroplanes! They were really impressive actually, just the scale of the two pieces I thought was great! This to me is still art, even though it may be a 3D piece, its a piece of art because the designing and the thought process of these pieces must have been huge. I really enjoyed these pieces! See photos of the two sculptures below!

Fiona Banner

I have really enjoyed Vis Com this week, so am really looking forward to the second week of Visual Communications!!!!!!! YAY!!!!

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